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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Zumba Queen

Did you ever find a workout routine you love that best embodies your own workout philosophy? I know corny, but that is exactly how I feel when I am doing zumba.  Whenever I miss a class it completely throws off my day and I am totally bummed! I think for me it is the fast pace and that I love to be challenged.  I have to be constantly moving to benefit the most from an exhilirating aerobic workout.  The class is truly a mixture of all different fitness levels and people adjust the workout to meet their own needs. 

The only thing I do wish is that I could pick up the routines a little faster.  This week the instructor started teaching us a few new songs.  It takes about 3 weeks before I am totally comfortable I have memorized all the new steps.  As I look around the class I see how some people just instantly catch on.   However once I have learned the songs I am totally loving it and have no trouble keeping up! I have thought about getting Zumba certified after tax season ends in April. I just wish there was a magic wand I could wave around to help improve my coordination and ability to learn the routines faster.

I am excited for my class this afternoon because my gym is offering a zumba class for kids that I am bringing my 12 year old daughter to. A future zumba queen in the making perhaps?

And how about you, what types of workouts do you enjoy? Are there exercise classes that you love and which keep you highly motivated to stay active?

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